
Fall Fair and Rockhopper!

Rockhoper has now docked on the Cp Island  brought some toys free items The fall fair is now here!


Posting and Festival of Flight!

Sorry I was not posting for a long time and The Festval of Flight is hear!
This is the first Free item for Non members!
Go to the forest and if your a member ride on the balloon and wait till you land at the tallest mountain to get your Jet pack free item!

Color vote is here!

Go to forrest and vote on your color!! I voted maroon!

Little dot

If you see a little blue or black dot click it music will come there on every page but some you have to find  next clue for next dot to find is ina bottom of page

Club Penguin Music Jam 09

The music jam is now out hope your having fun for all members out there click on the I and on the O in the bacstage catolog

Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Color Vote

  Im getting pretty excited around here because next Friday, July 24, you'll be able to go to a voting booth in the Forest and choose a BRAND NEW penguin color!! Here they are:
So - this week, we want to know which color you're thinking you might vote for... Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?